Johanna Lielacher

work experience

since November 2021 | ux designer (full time)
As part of a multidisciplinary team, I am working on improvements to the navigation, search and filtering experience of users. Based on user research (such as user testing, user interviews and surveys) and competitor/benchmark analysis, hypotheses are formed and evaluated using a variety of methods (such as usability, A/B or smoke tests). 

At the same time, I regularly develop new landing pages in order to help new users, business customers and potential business partners access the product. For this, I prepare and lead workshops with stakeholders from other departments to understand the problems and requirements on the business and customer side and to design appealing solutions for the hypotheses raised. 

As the person responsible for the design system, I communicate the benefits of a unified look and feel to the various stakeholders and work with the design and development team in two development languages on initiatives to get closer to this vision.

December 2020 – October 2021 | junior product designer (full time)
in the interdisciplinary team Payments & Integrations working on different initiatives like the implementation of Apple and Google Pay and a reward system (scrum framework)

Independent designer

2015–2020 | 10h per week
several projects in the range of branding, editorial design, packaging, UI/UX design for these clients: [office.lunch], Burgerfaktur, CIN CIN, Disco Volante, eat happy, Frequentis, Gigasport, Kastner & Öhler, SKY, Sankt Bartholomä, Schilcherland, spirafit, Südtiroler HochschülerInnenschaft Graz and others

August 2019 & February 2020 | temporary replacement 
as a graphic designer for all the printed media, like brochures, coupons, ads

from March to July 2018 | internship
as a junior designer in the field of UI/UX design, POS, branding, editorial design for clients like Salzburger Festspiele, JUFA Hotels, Lena Hoschek

2015–2018 | freelance graphic designer
in the field of social media, 
editorial design, cut outs, presentations

July 2013 | internship
editorial design, creation of icons, illustrations

August 2012 | internship
editorial design of a technical documentation


FH Joanneum

2018–2020 | master’s degree
Interaction Design
Master of Arts

FH Joanneum

2015–2018 | bachelor’s degree
Information Design, major communication design
Bachelor of Arts

New Design University

2014–2015 | preparatory course
Foundation Course

Vocational College for Product Management, Presentation and Design

2009–2014 | vocational school
graduated with honors


kachara – waste awareness exhibition

06.02.–26.02.2020 | Afro-Asiatisches Institut
two posters from the series mildly infuriating packaging
submission work

ECHO Design Exhibition

30.01.–01.02.2020 | esc medien kunst labor
Bubble Reverse, ARigami, Portfolio Machine, XSecurity
master’s program show, Interaction Design, FH Joanneum


20.–21.10.2018 | Varietas, Bad Vöslau
poster art of prophecy & what is….
Sammelatelier NÖ Tage der offenen Ateliers, Bad Vöslau

Fake you

26.01.–10.02.2018 | Designforum Steiermark
poster art of prophecy
bachelor’s program show, Communication Design, FH Joanneum